Stick Electrode
From simple jobs to advanced applications, Lincoln Electric offers a full range of STICK electrodes. Designed to weld wide range of materials and thicknesses in all position. Available in a variety of packaging options including Linc Can™ and extra moisture resistance Sahara® packaging.

Product Image
Product Name
AWS Class
- Chromium-Molybdenum and other low alloy steels, including AISI 4130, 4140, 8630
- Carbon-Manganese and other low alloy steels
- Offshore
- Subsea components
- Process piping
- For steels with a tensile strength UTS of max. 835 N/mm2
- For high strength steels such as T1, HY 100, Naxtra 70, HRS 650, Dillimax. 690
- Power Generating Plants
- Main Steam Piping
- Turbine Casting
- Oil Refineries
- Coal Liquefaction and Gasification Plants